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2024-04-22 - 3:20 p.m.

Working today; but took a break to enjoy my guitar lesson
and then make a call to cancel the Home Warranty Policy - American Home Shield

I am also taking time to delete old files on my personal computer that I don't need anymore.

OUCH I see the quote for the Heat pump NOT purchased in 2022 ( DELETED) But for the records- here it is: breakdown of the costs then- whereas two years later the estimates EVERYWHERE in this area were about twice this for the same product. REALLY Supply chain issues during COVID, Inflation- and ok, not same product as the old systems were phased out and had only through 2023 for the cheapo builders grade to be sold that the companies had in their supply already. So a BETTER product with improved SEER etc... BUT hardly can be said it REALLY cost twice as much for it- SIGH.. Oh well. I had the lawyers monthly payment on the loan for that so could not do it in 2022. I had to pay that off before fixing my heat pump. It was what it was.

IAQ-DSTFREE 1 $1,223.39 $1223.39
Dust Free Installation Package (6" OR 12")
DSCNT-P1-G 1 $-367.02 $-367.02
Gold Membership Benefit - 30% Off* Up to $500.00 Per Item - DSTFREE
DSCNT-P1-G 1 $-500.00 $-500.00
Gold Membership Benefit - 30% Off* Up to $500.00 Per Item - GMCHP14124
Subtotal $7,217.69
Tax $0.00
Total $7,217.69

There are real impacts when schools and workplaces and any org discriminates. TRUE financial impacts upon those they discriminate against.

I have joked in the past about the hidden costs of ADHD

and for years would ledger the ADHD moments, including sometimes those that cost me money.

But as true, are the Discimination moments- those that cost me money because our systems are not equitable and are not fair and truly do not treat all equal.

I take issue with those who say it is not a race issue.

Sure it is, at times

but other times it is a abelist issue

or a sexist issue

OR YEAH discimination against those impovershed : Classism.

BUT Just because there is discrimination based upon OTHER "ims" it is not a logical conclusion to believe ( in fact of reality of EVIDENCE of race based redlining etc) that there Is NOT A RACISM PROBLEM.

I never know what I am going to write about when sit down to take a BREAK from work. This just bubbles up, kinda out of the blue- I guess when thinking of how connected the financial impact is for anyone discriminated against, how REAL the impact is-
and how for me the actual impact was continuing to go without AC for another summer when I had to pay a lawyer who ensured my kid graduated their local highschool.

My autistic trans kid
the school was trying to push out

WHO I am happy to report has a 4,0 after the first two semesters of college.

At a school the kid is paying for ( for the most part) with a little help from parents. ( Dad helped with a couple thousand this year

AND I am very pleased that after paying taxes for 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 , now that I have the heat pump done

AND now that I have not one, but two good tenants-
one of whom was a bestie of my college student who is now living here and working in town-

Well I can afford to help out my kid monthly with the loan payments. I am thrilled to be able to do so. Sending a few hundred every month for now on the private student loan, which at 11% interest would become way bigger than the $6000 borrowed. That is the one I co-signed on. I refused to sign more as can't afford more.

Anyway, the kid is doing all right!

I am happy I have good work to do.

I am being disciplined and holding the line with NOT Working on Monday for the one client ; ) , and dedicating that time to ANOTHER- so I don't neglect that client.

I really do have to do one thing at a time.

The break needs to be dog walking, guitar less or playing or going for a run or swim ( when I can run. Still trying to get back into shape and not have the pain of legs and injuries flare up! Not there yet so running nixed a bit still. I occassionally jog a bit- but have been feeling it, and not in what seems a normal way, so careful not to overdo that. )

I try really hard to focus on one client at at time. BREAK and then back to work; then can pivot to another client if all caught up with what had to be done that morning.

In past when worked at one company I used to have three computers on my desk- two for clients and one for headquarters and I would pivot back and forth.

But working from home I don't have SPACE to have that kinda set up. I have to log in and out of systems one at a time-
so trying to have dedicated time for each.

So far so good; will see how it works now that the one is increasing workload.

Having my own employee, albeit part time consultant will be helpful as well! He is to start soon!

OK break up.
Back to work ( almost)

first to finish deleting these things no longer needed on my personal PC.

Just a little more clean up.

I really do have clutter.

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Oh if I did not know poster might be more tempted!! Cause no hiding such an impractical crazy impulsive buy if from bestie of BF. Ha ha 😂 🤣 - 2024-05-12


Walking after writing. Thus is why work part time. I am sitting writing on a Park bench listening to the birds sing. - 2024-05-09


Ok; so what if I have a quirk of not trusting drinks given to me at times- even from my own beloved? - 2024-05-01


AH off work! boyfriend here to pick me up ; ) YEAH writing while at PT job - 2024-04-26


Taking a walk and break from nonworking lol. - 2024-04-26
