2022-05-24 - 3:09 p.m. I honestly think we are going to see MORE stories like this BEFORE racial profiling is mitigated. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/alabama-pastor-arrested-after-watering-neighbor-s-plants/vi-AAXDQDA?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=46b7c010d3304a578720865ea74ff485&category=foryou Because Black folks are sick and tired of having to pander to white supremacist power when there are some cops racial profiling that then use authority to make unreasonable demands. I think Black and Brown Americans are fed up with this and MANY Are willing to actually be arrested under nonsense charges in order to expose the Power PLAYS and actual nonsensical demands and conditions in which they are racially profiled and demanded compliance by police. Frankly I think the more we see the exposure of fear based racial profiling and challenges made to it; the more things may change. I feel like that may be what it takes- By compliantly cooperating when officers misuse power (even if in good faith just made a bad judgement call- and not intentionally racist still make a poor judgement call due to ingrained and frankly being TRAINED in systemically racist thinking- I mean if it were a white dude and then the officer was given the explanation he likely would have BELIEVED and then LISTENED to the caller who said "I made a mistake- Good to know its a neighbor! ") I think unfortunately the problem of profiling and systemic racism has actually gotten worse. That unfortunately is what happens with bullies. They don't STOP their bullying when not challenged. They ramp it up! They THRIVE on the control they have over others. They keep being dominant and destructive. Our police forces nationally have become militarized and the bullies have been rewarded all too often rather than chastised when they were inappropriate in how they treated folks. The disparities of how they respond when one is black or brown being distinctly different in how they respond when one is white whom they find when they show up in response.
https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2022/05/20/911-dispatcher-buffalo-shooting-dlt-vpx.cnn When I lived on Buffalo's West side and our house was vandalized with the GAS and WATER all turned on full blast. graffiti on the walls, I recall sitting on the porch after having returned home to find this- FOR OVER TWO HOURS I lived in a Black neighborhood on Buffalo's West side. Just blocks from my college, in walking distance. When the officers arrived an Irish American officer said "What are you doing living here?" It was shocking to me. After his initial apology and my shock and his saying "We didn't know you live her. We would have come sooner" The officer then knew he had made a mistake and was visibly embarrassed actually....and backtracked. Said < "Oh no..that is not what I meant" but he could not articulate why he made the comment. but then .... and It was not HIM... but the other officer who I recall LATER GRILLING ME We were lucky it had not been blown up the first time around; and lucky no one was in it when it was set on fire the 2nd time. I was grilled with question after question about WHY I LIVED THERE... and WHY WE WOULD BE TARGETED as if it was not obvious why targeted. Some folks were angry about Rodney King... My housemates and I were the only white inhabitants on the street other than the old Italian couple that had lived there for years and the gay Italian musician partner who was the partner of his black partner who ALSO lived there for YEARS and who were accepted in the neighborhood. We obviously only had trust of some immediate neighbors and a gang in the neighborhood was not welcoming us. It was a startling experience. The grilling by the police was the 2nd shock after the house being set on fire. We are lucky it did not blow up. That was 91 Its sad to me we have not progressed on this issue. It feels like we are still stuck. At least there was no escalation of violence this time around so maybe that is progress. IN 91 violence was erupting in response to Rodney King verdict all over America. We heard about the LA riots but truth is there were eruptions in MANY cities and my experience was just one of the many manifestations of anger among Black communities. At least in Buffalo the communities are gathering together to help each other. https://wnypeace.org/wp/2022/05/14/womens-march-food-drive/ � � |