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2024-05-13 - 2:33 p.m.

I don't wanna work
I just wanna bang on my drums all day....

Or practice 🎸, and read and write

And nap.

And maybe swim....


But , on this beautiful day I intended to work just a little bit after prioritizing other things:

Helping a friend that needed help.

She needed to pick up a rental for move, and wanted help both getting there to cwr rental place near the airport ( where it is significantly cheaper that the one and only car rental company in our small town) , and she also wanted help understanding her contract. The rental was booked on Priceline and there was Insurance bought at time if booking and the car rental company was trying to see it again.

Good to read the fine print and know what it actuslly means.

Of course that created a longer process of renting the vehicle. The Budget at Dulles did have exceptional customer service as we also checked out a few vehicles for cargo space comparison before picking one for her last move of her things.i forgot just how large a mini van is when seats gold down.

So came home thinking just in time for a 12:30 meeting, to find it was noon. Ugh! AdHD moment of the week ( I hope)

Darn, it was at 2pm!!

I then has my guitar lesson. Honestly worked hard with focus on that
And felt made progress.

But I am very tired 😴 now

Feels like nap time!! Where did the whole day go?


Then will log in to do some work today. Just a little.



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