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2024-05-13 - 8:51 a.m.

My Mother's Day gift was that cane home to a happy 29 yr old who had cleaned the kitchen , dud dishes, had made Moci and was watching a show About Formula One.

I sat abd watched a few minutes.

She had offered have night.

I was a bit too tired for that after working a double shift but even 20 minutes or so chilling with her, seeing her content abd up, was good.

This kid does get out of bed and functions, but on the weird sleep schedule. Sometimes she regulates her sleep ok; other times gets off kilter and then has to get back into a healthier pattern.

She seems happy enough.

I haven't worried about her too much while encouraging her to get help to get healthier as it's obvious she would be much healthier if she found something to do and got into a routine with fulfilling activity of some sort.

Ot took the other sibling a couple years to launch into the world so figure she will too in time. It eas just validating to see she is functioning OK. I mean I wonder as I sm in role of caretaker still for her disabled body on days she needs it. Her friends are a bit as well. They are sweet! Kind! They have their own lives but include her. They bring foid and share with her as I think they see her inability to get up and do much on some days. So her tribe here is really good for her. I don't see it as enabling but loving her where she is at - for now.

Home chef delivery forces me to cook. The amt of good sent is meals for four so it is made abd available for her to eat days I am at my boyfriend's or we can do a family style with the whole house. My basement tenant expressed interest in that when he moved in. He likes to be friends and comfortable hanging with housemates , not isolated and lonely in the basement apt.

It is nice, that we do have a meal with the house once in a while. One thing we have been doing has been watching Manhunt as a house. One or two episodes left 🤔 I think.

It was a great pick as a short series incentive for us to gather and get together. It started on a Friday night when I was off and my boyfriend and I were here but as I work most Friday nights it varies- but a Thu often best.

I came to write as Teo funny things:

Great minds think alike, right?
My client sent me a computer 🖥

It is the SAME EXACT maje and model I have been using for my dedicated computer to another client. 🙃

So funny... oh my

I am fortunate just a couple weeks ago adorned the back of that with stickers to distinguish it from my other computers.

Hell getting old. I forget the 2nd funny thing yo note before getting on with day.
Off to help bestie move last remaining things from storage into a rental she is driving back home cross country.

Thought how nice it woukd have been to be actually able to accompany her.

She asked me in past to consider that. But I think she asked if I wanted to come visit and bring her stuff...a different ask...

I have alot going on.

But she could have used company and turns out a couple if my kids are staying out near where she lives.. if could hitch ride to visit them it would have been nice.

But I have other obligations this week.. just a thought and figured it was not possibke/ practical.

A co worker needs me to cover for her for a medical need in her fam/ world early next week so can't get coverage and take off for a week.

Theoretically I can work remotely for clients from anywhere so actually have some flexibility. But it is the local Healthcare part time evening job I have the commitment to. Dog and kid would be OK as other supports here. I have a good dog walker to help along with housemates who help. I pay whomever agrees to pick up dig care when I travel.



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Early to bed - 2024-05-21


Needed to decompress a bit before off to get kid ; was 😴 - 2024-05-16


YEAH a really productive housecleaning day and good onboarding session - 2024-05-14


Georgous weather about 75 out ; birds heard chirping from window - 2024-05-13


Georgous weather about 75 out ; birds heard chirping from window - 2024-05-13
