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2024-05-14 - 8:40 p.m.

Small wins.

I have to celebrate the small good things.

Like tonight having a meeting "moonlighting" with my own company (many start up companies moonlight while still in day jobs) while actually being paid as a receptionist.

I had set a 7pm meeting to work on computer set up and software installation with my resource;
and then got called into work to cover my co-worker at the skilled nursing facility.

I kept the meeting and multitasked.

I did apologize to the guy I was onboarding; as intended to not be working tonight. The gal on typically asked me to cover for her.

So tonight I am celebrating that had a good zoom meeting in which :

New part time consultant of my company is all set up on his new computer with software I purchased installed-
main things he need are word and adobe;
but he has a good Microsoft professional software package on a decent laptop and he has a good security software system set up.

I am just happy to have him all set up.

I can now send him documents for review and requests to draft some contracts using the templates of the company he will be providing support on.


This is such a good thing.

I have days I am really tired and just can't work as focused as would like.
Then other days where get a ton done.

Energy and focus and ability to concentrate are not static but ebb and flow.

So I leverage the good days

And ride out the slow brain foggy ones

and somehow when it is CRUNCH Time and something just HAS TO BE DONE
under a pressure situation

my brain, like many ADHD brains

just gets lit up

and I can work fast; and well and get shit done when need to!

SO I did that on Friday of last week.

I got a ton done.
Well done under pressure.

BUT then I had the weekend of a show to go to, so was up late Friday. I actually just made the show- arrived late; as left for it late due to working my butt off to get the deliverables done a client needed ASAP-
I got it done
then made it to the show I had bought tix too ( I did prioritize that! YEAH even if late..I went with my beautiful boyfriend)

BUT then I worked all weekend; Three hours for one client on Sat as they sent something FRIDAY they REALLY NEEDED pronto-

which I could not tend to as the OTHER client had a freaking AUDIT so that took priority; then worked the healthcare job in the afternoon

then worked a double on Sunday

And then filled in Mon night as well

But I swear I hit burnout by Mon morning. I was exhausted

and then this AM

SO today I really needed a morning of rest.

I did not start work til 11 AM

I was burnt out

I needed rest; time off.

So took the AM hrs. then logged in and did just a little bit of work- as could

BUT THEN I was just too tired to really be able to focus today.

I just could not really work!

I was too mentally exhausted;
and I think also am emotionally tired the past few days

emotionally exhausted

SO the work can wait until tomorrow;

I did get energy and cleaned the house instead. That also had to get done. I figured clean a bit, move my body which needed movement to feel better-
The cleaning gave me exercise needed to create more energy-
the whole body in motion stays in motion body in rest stays in rest thing-

I needed to get my body moving before my mind would be working well again-

So I got the house cleaned; got the chores done.

It ended up too late in day for me to get much done for my clients.

SO- tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow I will focus on getting work done well for clients.
But tonight I got my own company work done.

So I am so happy that i got something really accomplished tonight with the onboarding after the day of very slow progress on the other work!

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