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2024-07-02 - 12:10 p.m.

Ridiculous that after helping one kid with a move * adult child) and paying off bills to be sure the other who flew the nest left without medical debt into the world of adulting

That I forgot to check balance of the one acct the water bill comes out of
And am pulling cash from bank ( the acct eith money!) To go pay it

And of course that bill forgotten woukd auto draft came same time as one other.

I forget what...and some other check bounced too.

It hit when in the red.
Some small thing.
The return fee may have been higher than the check. Forget now as saw it last night when tired 😫

I sent out some co pays. Checks for 5, 25. 35 etx...just a few odd small ones for other almost adultung kid I am pleased is taking care of self.

It's just ridiculous 🙄 I suck at my own balancing book/ accounting.


At least nkt doing accounting work at work! Ha ha. Funny did some once for a company...

Scary actually ha ha

One accounting task. It took me hours to get it right.

Good news is after a few hours of work enjoy this break as went to my guitar lesson today! 😀
So now the errands. Bank, bill payment, then a bit of provisions pick up...milk bread 🍞, basics.

Then lunch and back at it.

Work done well this AM and almost done with task I thought woukd have done LAST week!

Step by step....
Will get it done and keep on keeping on.

Yeah this task on plate involves math.

I miss large company dedicated pricing contract managers who ONLY did pricing and funding! It's my weakest skill
So this work assignment is a tightening and improving skills to keep sharp

I have to be grateful for that.

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