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2024-07-03 - 7:22 p.m.

Darn. Two more ADHD moments, really from last week.

Reviewed bank check images of checks cashed abd confirmed YES , I did pay the same bill twice.
The thing is, as I wrote the check abd mailed it the 2nd time' I recalled the familiarity of it...

Kinda thought had just sent payment 🤔 the week before. . .

But it was like that compulsive bill paying thing I have going on.

I hate seeing an unpaid bill.
So much so I do some dumb things like , due to freaking about a balance getting high on my credit card , sent out a high payment without concern for the fact I may have other bills actually due abd should hold off as that bill is not due for two more weeks.

So stupid!

I just move on, continue working and try to do better.

The real issue is I have not made a budget; and just panic at thought of debt at this stage in life.

I should be planning for my retirement financially.

So when family ask for help my gut instinct is get rid of my debt first before helping anyone else!

That includes kids of mine...basic Healthcare debt.

Beyond that, I feel like have to take care of me first.

Requests for financial support make me panic abd pay what I can on MY old bills!!

But I went overboard.
My version of mania? Lol
I stop haggling with insurance companies and write check after check on medical bills?


Not so bad to be honest. There are far worse hypomanic panic responses to stress triggers!

Anyway, good news is that all the outstanding medical bills have been paid in full.

I take Bellatrix to the Vet this coming week!

After that, it's time for a visit to the eye Dr. .

I took care of my teeth a couple months ago and received four fillings. Two were tiny cavities, but decided fill them now while I have decent dental insurance.



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