2024-09-04 - 8:31 a.m. I have been missing swimming. I had a cut on my finger I wanted to heal , From a Ninja blender I mistakenly left to soak at boyfriend's home , now fiancé s home - then forgot about those sharp blades being all up and down sides of the blender ( different style from the one in my house my kid has actually which I clean if it's not cleaned. It's what I do! I like a clean kitchen. I don't ever get irritated by things left as I guess truth is I also enjoy doing dishes and cleaning. Lol) Funny I never really did dishes growing up much at all and realize now it's cause my Dad did them. Lol. When go to FL I think my Dad still does them although my brother does as well now There were never , or rarely dishes left in the sink long in my memory. I think we all just rinsed them out in the dishwasher immediately and I can't figure out why it's hard for my kids to get in that habit when I asked it, actuslly expected it of then and modeled and corrected etc. Same with recycling as not sure why some develop good habits of putting recycles in the bin and others never getting it even when reminded and asked. But I just do it. No stress over this. It's such an easy thing fir me to do and I find the routine a good one. I like it. Time to tend to home before o th er things feels grounding to me. It's relaxing in its way It's the one pretty much the only somewhat obsessive habit I have. I see dishes and feel compelled to wash them. Not obsessive about anything else whatsoever. Not even really feels obsessive as no anxiety associated with it. I just do them. But the ADHD part of my brain is such I get into the task with no awareness of time, I think because I like doing dishes. I felt in flow! Lol I think also my memories of others doing dishes are positive. I recall a housemate singing as she washed sdishes and it was one time I saw her really, really happy. ( lost touch with her post college mainly due to her anxiety and my ADHD. Good friend but both not good at reaching out to friends. In hindsight think. - hummm? Autism? Autidm is now understood to be on a spectrum with many more really smart high functioning but socislly awkeard neurodivergant folks being condidered/ identified autistic based on traits and how their brains work, atypically). So not quote OCD I am in fact messy with clutter for sure. I don't care about other people clutter too much in their space or shared spaces. I do care about dust as it bothers me much. So I vacume , and have a routine of cleaning bathrooms regularly. One a week with occasionally a little longer in bettween if have been traveling or at boyfriend's home. Then on occassion clean there, but he is honestly pretty good about household chores and cleaning. I pitch in as needed for the deep clean as he is better at reducing clutter and organizing, straightening up. I can't stay in my own home which has my kids cat here for more than a couple days without feeling rather uncomfortable. It's not as bad as I used to get in just one hour near a cat. I spend some time at a friend's who had a cat over the years and I think over the years the reaction lessened. Then same with time at my neighbor, teacher friend's where I go once in a while to hang with him. Over time it got better. So again, this cat is not as intolerable as years ago when exposed. I use the albuterol inhaler and allergy meds.
But boy miss being here. I do love waking here as have such a great bedroom orientation with trees and sunrise. In winter when the trees lose leaves the sunrise is evrn more beautiful. I enjoy my garden, small though it is. I will put one in his home this fall I bought a plant and had not put it in the ground in Spring and it died promptly! . It was so hot and shoukd have been in the ground. I am not usedcto keeping potted plants outside and having to baby them. I an a lazy gardener. I plant things that can be put in the ground and grow with little fussing and watching over. Guess same as my parenting philosophy. I thought is you create the right environment and provide enriched soil and materials and choose a good place, location, maybe harden just enough, toughen up just enough with manageable exposure to wind and rain and sun and outside world to be able to get the benefits of each but also handle a storm, then just enough support to stake to prevent a fall, well then things grow. Choose correct location for water sun and needed shade and let nature take its course. Each plant needs different things as far as what hives it the right balance. I font always get it right, but try. Life and learn. Container plants not my favorite thing. SO my boyfriend got help to remove weeds and some overgrown brush and tend to his yard cleaning up so it's ready for gardening. He had neglected it a bit. It is almost ready for Fall planting. Gardening not his thing although his Dad loved it and his sister as well. She has a beautiful garden we get summer squash from. I bought plants for his place in Spring but realized then very quickly they were what I wanted in my backyard here. So put the Bleeding hearts in my yard where I enjoyed then until the heat killed them. Even though a partially shady back yard it was still too hot. I then ordered bulbs for his yard to arrive in the Fall figuring his yard was just not ready. It needed planning and clean up to then put in any garden. The one plant brought died- it was of a wildflower that is all over Iceland. I picked it cause he went on his trip with his cousin and her girlfriend right after I met him. As the uncle without kids he promised his neices and nephews and that one cousin to gift a trip where they want to go, with the condition it is with him. Any experience. Concet. Game. Trip. Etc So the one chose Iceland and she did all the planning and he just went along. They had a great time. I bought a garden gnome, an elf which reminded me of him. I put that in his yard with the one flowering plant from Iceland which was not yet in bloom. Both were hidden very quickly by weeds overgrown. It was fun when he cleaned up yard to have the gnome uncovered. Name alluding me of that plant So I have learned container plants a very bad idea for my boyfriend's home. He doesn't even go outside for days at a time sometimes when he is on home in flow mode of creativity on a coding project. He likes when I am there as he gets out of the zone which is good for him. All this to say. The routine of swimming got disrupt and I miss it. Bummer! Woke up thinking of swimming to realize now that the cut is closed, the pool closed too! When at my boyfriend's we go to an aquatic center but with COVID. Etc...I wanted to wait for the cut yo heal before going yo the public indoor pool. Can head there however. But once again another summer passed and I really did not take full advantage of the wonderful outdoor pool in my community! Oh well.
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