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2024-09-04 - 5:09 p.m.

ADHD is wild sometimes.

It's just so weird how this neurodivergant brain can just not process some things;

Like, for example, the fact I was scheduled at one job Sept 1, but failed to notice that I was

already scheduled at the other job same exact time.




Not surprisingly. I wanted to do the job to help them out moreso than any other reason. Initially took it hoping to get one of my adult kids in to interview. That never happened. I also initially thought I would work there just a couple weeks. I stayed over a year.

Fun while it lasted. I liked doing that reception role.

Why not get paid to have structure to go sit at an office where nothing else to do but answer the phone once in a while to route calls and be friendly to visitors helping them know where to go?

My house can be full of people at times , and distractions.

It is an easy job.
The structure meant carved out time to sit and do consulting work uninterrupted,

except for occasional calls/ visitors...

and once in a while ( monthly actually) actual job training for that role- HIPPA and such.

Juggling the multiple calendars of two part time jobs however was a pain.

My time challenged brain has trouble with calendars and recall of appointments. Heck knowing the day of week, date and things like my own age are hard for me!

The first part time reception role I have had for 10 yrs also pays $5 more per hour so honestly I am not sorry to not have to do that 2nd reception job anymore and to be more available for my other job when they need me. I really did it to help an old coworker who is at the 2nd place now who is a doll to everyone as she needed off.

She was a social worker full time before retirement at the first workplace. She just had an issue of not being able to stop herself from speaking up LOUDLY when upset at anything not kosher. I get it. But management did not apprechiate it ...and I get that too. She raised issues to other than just management in anything but discreet, tactful ways. She was direct. We need truth tellers to push for quality. But folks don't always apprechiste them!
I see both perspectives....I trust management did their best ethically.

People can't know what they don't know and sometimes it is very frustrating to understand something differently than the powers that are. Management can not always be transparent in how they handle issues - privacy sometimes to assume they are ignoring them could be wrong.

I liked the job and liked the people and found it a nice place to work and spend time. I apprechiated the structure and getting paid to go do what i do for consulting in what amounted to an office! Instead of renting office space I had built in time with no home distractions and got work done for clients while there

Theoretically , and often that was the case; Sometimes it was not.
I would get exhausted and some evenings my brain was fried and I just could not get work done.

ButYeah it worked some times. Once got a good VPN

But...then other times having to leave to get there was an interruption of work flow. So maybe it will be just as productive to mlt work there. ( I hope. I hope my productivity for my clients does not decrease by the lack of that structured time out of the house. If it does I will have to find a replacement place to go work ( whether library or coffee shop) but getting paid doing so would be optimal.

Sometimes my home internet sucks. Really....the work ones are much faster at times! With the VPN for security on days my internet is laggy it was great to go work somewhere at an office with light duty but good internet to be actually more efficient than when home.

Today case in point.

I was distracted. Got lots done, but not much client work.

Don't know where the day goes!!

Sigh. Tomorrow is another day.

Sometimes we have bad days.

I think the bad start was honestly WRITING ✍️. Instead of going swimming first thing this AM.
I wrote, practiced guitar...made muffins, walked the dog leisurely.

I also forgot all about a meeting this morning.

Plum forgot to check this AM


Work meeting for client.

I somehow thought the meeting was later in afternoon.

But regardless also then completely forgot about it. Thinking calendar clear.

Then realized I had to invoice my clients. Hit a problem with my CRM... it has sone constraints, and it took a while to fix. BuT had my eye Dr. Appt and the last invoice created somehow did not get sent yet ( stopped to be on time! I was on time) , but after my appointment it was REdo the invoice. Again has to fight with the CRM application to correct the samecthing fixed earlier that was nkt saved. Ugh. I figured ot out and got it done- eventually.
All clients billed.

Oh I know my other mistake- up too late. I therefore slept in later than optimal and was tired so likely harder to move quickly and get focused.
Sleep is key. I really prefer to be in bed early and rise early. I function so much better if do that and start the day with exercise.

I have not been at my own home in a while. It was trash night. I worked til 9pm then got home and I stand corrected that there is nothing other than dishes I feel really compelled to do , and also enjoy- as weeding/ gardening indeed can feel do compelling its an obsession at times..

Yeah....I have planted in the pouring rain before....thst was pretty obsessive.

And, last night I just felt compelled to weed my front garden plot, yes in the dark, well moonlight to extent there was any.( Was there? Maybe not. I literally weeded in dark).
I was weeding by feel and front the little could see. It was obvious grass grew under my rosebush. I had all sorts of dead things to yank put that were dry and brittle- long ornamental grass, lily's, weeds.

Mostly it was clumps of grass pulled fron this small garden abutting the small walkway to my front steps.
It looked good upon inspection this AM.

The weather was just so perfect, and it was trash night , so it was the perfect time to weed and toss the weeds in my brown garbage can used only for organics that the trash fellows pick up.
I think it a gets ground into mulch.

Well I started this entry, left it on my phone unfinished, and actually focused for a good while.
I got some good work done. 👏
Better than not at all.

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