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2024-09-04 - 2:19 p.m.

Good news
No sign of muscular degeneration.

The eye Dr. I trust and have gone to for years said sees no issue.
She showed me the images.

One tiny spot which is like a freckle, likely what other Dr. Saw.

That exam was two ( or three ?) Years ago.

Turns out my eyes have gotten better! That is why things are blurry
And wearing too strong glasses can cause eye strain as can working at a computer for lengthy periods.

Good news.

I also had heck of a time finding my Vision Plan ID number.

Searched email

Finally on the way to the Dr. Office I found a number on line,
Called and sat on hold for the drive. After 20 minutes as arriving a customer service rep easily retrieved my ID#.

So I got the vision Insurance discounts.

They are less than monthly payments in aggregate so far for the year. Oh well.

Back to work. I have been doing " stuff" all morning since writing but none of it billable hours!! Need to get some work for clients in today.

Invoicing took time but got it done.

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Just a little work; then back to bed. - 2024-09-10


Doggo OK - 2024-09-08


Beautiful weather ! - 2024-09-08


I just hate writing then losing it. - 2024-09-06


Feel like wasted today somehow. Eye Dr. Invoiced clients but not much else accomplished!! - 2024-09-04
