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2024-09-06 - 9:30 a.m.

I am frustrated DiaryLand does not seem to currently have a feature allowing to actually pay for membership.

I tried last year and it did not work

Again bummer as I wrote for the last hour but hoped to make it a private entry.

Seems that feature no longer supported?
@ANDREW - know you have a day job and fam etc..

Thanks for all the past years of support.

Maybe it means I have to just grow up too?

I wanted this outlet.
I think its healthy

Cheaper than therapy.

about me - read my profile! read other DiaryLand diaries! recommend my diary to a friend! Get your own fun + free diary at!

OMG ITs just not about you. Acting like a child happens when one never got in touch with their inner child is my theory. - 2024-09-11


Asthma inhaler taken Should be able to fall back asleep - 2024-09-10


Just a little work; then back to bed. - 2024-09-10


Doggo OK - 2024-09-08


Beautiful weather ! - 2024-09-08
