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2024-09-08 - 5:34 p.m.

Good vet is OK with giving Bellatrix the vaccinations due today.

That saves both time and money for sure as I dont need to pay for another visit.
Just get it done while the dog 🐶 is already pre-sedated with a bit of an anti-anxiety med.

She had her hair and teeth brushed and a bit of a bath before her appointment in which the vet gave her a butt exam and confirmed no sign of polyps and adrenal glass feel normal and function normal with normal discharge.

So her breed is prone to pancreatisis
Can't digest fats well

No people table food

Don't give leftover morning bacon.

Most likely she just ate something she should not have 🙄

Will give her a probiotic to be sure tummy balanced.

She was such a good girl today!! Butt shot of two vaccinations done already.
For Lyme and Doggie flu.

Diagnosis: Suspected colitis.

Inflammation of lower colan most likely due to eating food she should not.

She seems just tired cause drugged , but normal energy level
Good news

Bill 267.18

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