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2024-09-10 - 3:46 a.m.

So much for that... work laptop battery fully dead and needs to charge.

Going back to bed.

I also had woken as my allergies started to kick up again. I can tell when the allergy medicine wears off. Its a very obvious sudden difference of the allergies and asthma kicking in.

Reminder on TO DO:

After get my own business stuff done
Don't forget

I have not one but two clients to support tomorrow. ( I can sometimes get caught up in work of one and not pivot and switch gears!)

TOMORROW I WILL NOT OBSESS about the one who has a few niggling items

BUT will carve out time for the other client efficiently and make progress on their project. (Its one did good work on last week. But it also should be brought to completion. That again is not actually my job- I can't bring to completion cause the owner is not me. BUT I am supporting the owner of that and I can get it VERY CLOSE To make their job easier! still more for me to do on it. Can review and provide further improvements/edits- so want to get in the zone of really focusing and getting into that work tomorrow for a bit too!)

HMMM I just thought of an idea.
I got a watch recommended for ADHD folks to use as a medication reminder. I got it for my kid. They said it is nice- they like it; it helps.

It vibrates I think and one feels it on the wrist. Reviews were good for students who need reminders during class.

I think I will order one for ME!

For managing my time at work. To pivot between clients.
To not ignore one too long while working on matters for another.

YES! I can set a better routine. I used to do it by day. One day really focus on one; a couple days a week on another etc. Then the main one I have to just check in with every day.

But some I don't have to check daily.
Cause more back up bench support ( as their primary contracts person doesn't want to let go of much. She doesn't what anything other than back up support. She wants to be the primary customer facing and the primary internal facing. I am solely her back up support which is fine by me! I like her ! I do for her what my guy I hired does for me. Relieve stress by knowing have some bench strength. HA She does for me what I was about to do for him. Find some work to throw his way- HA HA She finds some work to throw my way just to keep me engaged so I am there IF NEEDED. If a surge comes she can't handle on her own. Its actually smart).

Not going to bed JUST YET

First will order another one of those watches. I think this could help me tremendously.

I STILL Get the hyperfocus and really into whatever I am doing and completely space out in relation to time. Complete and utter lack of awareness of time.

Today I was late for my guitar lesson. I did not forget it was today. I looked forward to it. BUT I got in the zone working. After took care of the personal volunteer call this AM for marketing stuff, I made a cup of cofee and jumped right into work for a client.

And I was in the zone for a couple hours. Really there...
and it was like a time warp.

Sure got stuff moved forward ( or at least asked the right people for the right missing pieces to finish the puzzles working on to completion), and it was good work...
but it was so weird to notice time SIX minutes after my lesson was to have begun and think

"OH SHIT! I did it again!"

I just grabbed by guitar and went to the lesson anyway. Did not bother looking for my phone to read the texts from the teacher. I got there about a quarter after the hour. He kindly had time to give me a lesson.
Oh it was a good lesson.

OH and I was supposed to practice just 5 minutes before bed. I forgot...
Does this count?

Seriously, amended plan again-
Now REALLY am going to practice guitar THEN go back to sleep.

* Realizing it is not a good idea to go to bed at 8pm. No matter how tired.
Note to future self That is just a tad bit too early.

Just yawned....
Will surely be able to fall back asleep for about 4 hrs once done. Solid 9 hrs in aggregate, at least- even with the post midnight early 1am ish interruption for a few hrs.

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Asthma flare...bummer - 2024-09-15


Drama fam - 2024-09-14


Back at it. "Let's go find work for people" is what the one CEO said at her AM stand up Meetings. - 2024-09-13


I have a plan for my day! YES! Oh I rocked it early this week. Taxes filed! Landed new client! - 2024-09-12


OMG ITs just not about you. Acting like a child happens when one never got in touch with their inner child is my theory. - 2024-09-11
