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2024-10-01 - 2:48 p.m.

End of gov fiscal year.
I am in need of a recovery day
AND it's only Tuesday.

Oh wait correction.
Now it's Beginning of new gov fiscal year.

I learned last year to not plan time off in early October.

End of year renewal and new contacts come in. The last week of Sept and 1rst week of October are renewals of any part time labor or consultants or subcontractors working on the Prime contracts.

I took an actual day off Saturday. Went to the River house- oh wait....I worked Sat AM part time job. But took off meaning did not bring any drafting to do. Just enjoyed that Concierge work without my own work to do. I have a strict work life boundaries.

I don't do consulting work on weekends. Sure I may do the Concierge work. But it felt like a day off as I started work at 8am Sat and was done early afternoon and then went to the river house where my fiance and I enjoyed visiting with his housemates there who were there for a long weekend since Thu, then out to dinner with them and another couple. ( Family of theirs).

It was lovely.
I was happy to not work Sun AM to be able to go to church as well before the 2nd shift as Concierge.

But....once I was done with that job Sunday I did pick up my contract work as I have a very full queue. Getting it done ✔️

One thing at a time.
I had to triage. of priorities first and checked off and filed all completed. Even when busy I am really a stickler for not being messy and ensure follow my own processes that I set up to ensure things get followed up on and filed! Once did end of month housekeeping- back at it.
If put that off it gets unruly and never-ending- too hard to find time to clean up where was sloppy and took shortcuts.

Drafting is the same. One extra hour upfront of my time honestly can save exponential time and money later in many instances.

I just wish I could work faster.
Heck know write ✍️ faster than some though...
It is what it is..

Back at it after this break. I just got back from medical appointment for family I wish I had not scheduled for today. It was scheduled months ago so I was not going to reschedule it.

Quick walk with dog and then this writing Somehow revived me I think.

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Just a work vent. I can't rrws minds. Or approve things not in my authority so yall have to be patient please. On a customer call don't say " Contracts holding it up" if you did not approve the pricing or final documents to go out. - 2024-10-11


Just a work vent. I can't rrws minds. Or approve things not in my authority so yall have to be patient please. On a customer call don't say " Contracts holding it up" if you did not approve the pricing or final documents to go out. - 2024-10-11


10 days in New fiscal year. I can only work so fast. I can't skip sleep. ( much. DID IT once on 30th. Not again now.) - 2024-10-09


Back at it . Can't believe how late in day already!! Dr. Office was over an hour away. - 2024-10-01


Ha never saved and found in my phone days later. Still no new dishwasher - 2024-09-27
