2024-10-11 - 10:17 a.m. AdHD moment of last week ( reminded today of it) was an interview to help a company about three weeks ago for part time support for which I am nkt the right fit. I thought perhaps I could win a client for some very basic entry level support for my actual small company support staff to do. The ADHD moment us that at a conference of small women owned businesses I met the perfect person to provide the support. I mean she does exactly 💯 what they need. I thought in my desk. Thought with business cards. Have olf school Rolodex I will search next time clean house 🏠. The local small biz using a more expensive support company who I honestly heard are not that good. She has been doing EXACTLY what they need for the past 15 years. On a positive note in a quick chat with law school bestoe I recalled the nane of every one of our old acquaintences who were interested in public interest law. They were the small group sitting behind me who stood and clapped 👏 upon my name being called as I walked for my diploma 9 months pregnant 🤰 actually 8 days 😳 before giving birth. My doctor said " Go ahead and fly if you are adventurous and don't mind possibility of a birth mid flight or in Buffalo. " Lol He was honestly chill about it as I was healthy. His advice was as a non drinker when ready have a glass of wine as it can relax but stulimulare contractions....hmmm Probably muscle memory for many. Come on now, how many conceptions came after typical nondrikers having some wine?🍷 The natural aphrodisiac. Back to work. Going through my to do one document/ issue at a time. I really try to prioritize the was the best attorneys at Verixin did. To keep sane: First request in, first out. Give each person/ matter FULL attentiveness and importance. Only prioritize one thing over another when: * Can just knock off a bunch of shorter tastes that can get off plate quickly which are constraints /dependencies others need done before they can continue their work. Or *Just need a break from intense focus of a complex task/ problem so chunking it; have done part but shift away just to move other items along- because it is so time intensive EVERY THING would be slower than others like if only hyperfocus on that. In my world I follow the money. New projects waiting on me to start come first if risk the labor coukd get another job infer if we donfinslizexfast enough; existing relationships sometimes therfore do havectobtaje back burner.
Venting now as it's annoying when someone who gets ME a necessary component I need to get work done to them late then throws me under the bus as if I am the hold up. Sorry. Your lack of planning not my crisis although I seriously am moving as fast as can to move things along. Just needed this 15 min break - Clearing stuff one at a time. Patience
They throw things over the fence abd let me negotiate. Seriously The greener the employee the greater they need control and don't let me negotiate on their behalf. Worst is when more than one on a team and one delegates to the other ( in theory), then the other makes a decision I back thinking they had a delegation of decisioning authority, but both of us made the wrong call! Lol. So the senior staff had us roll back/correct and somehow framed it as if I was making decisions without them. Classic. No actual miscommunication on my part or misunderstanding on my part but I think the newbie did not step into the role of being the decisioner. Did not take ownership of their choice I backed. I get it. So I just took ownership and accountability and acknowledged I misunderstood their comment as a direction to support. I get it. They deferred to leadership Totally get it. That means I DO have to listen better , Not really literally Recognize when someone is giving their "off the record" personal opinion I acted on their opinion I believe! Opinion of the one the DOA to handle the matter ( in theory..ha ha...but only if no issues. Not really for decisioning IF ISSUES arise! Now I get it! Just for efficiency when no issues crop up). Missed that social nuance. And they intended to defer cause did not really have decisioning authority on the matter at isse because leadership already spoke on the matter but no one informed mevof the messaging🙄 So I totally missed all of that! � � |