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2024-04-16 - 12:39 p.m.

One of my kids is a young teacher who taught at a city school for one year.

Roanoke VA

Now employed for a non profit.

My kid heard ot THREE SUICIDES from young teachers last year

TEACHERS who worked in City or County in a Southwestern VA AREA last year (MY kid just begged me not to name it as she like most are terrified of recourse if they speak out- which is why NO ONE SPEAKS OUT)

My kid said passed this teacher in the hall; athough did not know him- it is something still hard.

MY KID KNEW this is something to have to be prepared for as a teacher. The loss of students and teachers.

YET the fact of having to be able to normalize this and then function without allowing time for actual grief is ALSO

The metal health of teachers is awful

Teachers are expected to put their safety at risk for their students and are shamed if they do not.

A teacher friend yesterday complained that she did not get a break.

SEVEN Staff were out sick.

NO breaks.
Private school in Northern VA

She said "Great, the school ordered Pizza so we could eat lunch; but its BS that none of us got a break. Its a violation of labor law anywhere else"

MY teachers student just told me that LAST WEEK There was anther suicide in the City of Roanoke SCHOOLS

24 yr old young male teacher

HIS OBIT is posted



HOWEVER the word on the street, as heard by mutual friends of his - fellow teachers

WHO are rather POSITIVE it was another teacher suicide.

MY kid who left and said LAST YEAR
I can't do this because it is affecting my mental and physical health
I go home in tears

The first month of her job she reported the 14 yr tenured co teacher she was teaching with was unraveling and in tears at end of each day and on verge of breakdown

She was astounded
but herself got to that point by the end of year.

This is abomible.

Well, enough of this mid day break,

I stopped work and my kid called to say hello as is off today due to the weather fluctuations

Gets hot
and many POTS folks can not function

Similar to October slide of sudden weather change putting POTSIES into a flare and hardly able to function for a few weeks.

In any case, hard for those disabled to work in person jobs.

This kid had so many aspirations when young.

The reality of body having trouble handing the physical demands of those is a challenge.

On a positive note, feeling OK ( but for sense of smell still gone).

I am still hanging at boyfriends and taking the next COVID test TOMORROW as think better chance of it being negative the longer I wait.

I have a dental appointment tomorrow-
hope can make it!
( And the next day too! The rescheduled one from last week is Thu. They were originally a week apart- 2 fillings first time; then the next 2 a week later was the intention.)

I do like chatting with my kid-
or any of them

We are now talking about ACE Adverse Childhood Experiences and kinda laughing ( but not) about some of the similarities of parents ( me- and their Dad) and my kids.

Their Dad talked of hiding under the piano and refusing to particpate in music class. .

The rest of us- me as a kid and the four offspring from him apparently all had the same favorite recess pasttime

Hiding in bushes and reading.

I was saying you don't have an adverse impact if as a kid you are so ADHD that as a kid you are clueless you are being picked on!

(I think it went over my head)
But my kid argued I was just likely DISASSOCIATING
and pretending to not feel

cause I was hurt by it. The being teased etc..

I don't recall much teasing until somewhat older and yeah that was painful.
"Big Girls don't cry"
being sung to me in 5th grade? Apparently I cried after they teased me and then they taunted me
in gym class
after not being picked to be on a team

the last one left

in a class that occurred after years of not being ALLOWED by the teacher to participate due to my asthma.

I never had an inhaler as a kid. My parents did take me to the Dr. once in a while.

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Nice evening at work after gardening , housecleaning and doggie bath today. SAT Chores done! - 2024-04-20


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NAMESILO GASLIGHTING Hope get further with honey than vinegar and maybe fixed? But crazy!!! - 2024-04-16
