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2024-04-16 - 7:54 p.m.

OK, success

So I am going to chalk it up to an laguage barrier and some Indian programmers/designers actually making a mistake?

very possible

Seriously it seemed odd for the bad service from Name Silo. they have great reviews! I LIKE them as a service provider ( usually). I mean they are always available. They are responsive. Your request doesn't enter a black hole.

Name Silo restored my account.

I also figured out ( not real techie that i am... but understanding a little bit...just enough)

that I don't use the admin email anymore, as it was set up for the initial Name silo ssl set up but after that I could use my other email as the ADMIN ONE

and I could just:
1. Remove admin privaleges and then
2. Set up an ALIaS so I could actually set up what looks like an email for my consultant to use.

Now anyone can email HIM using his name at my domain

and it goes to the admin email I already have.

One of the two free emails.

I need not pay more yet.
And can onboad him.

YES! A bit late, but by end of day I will complete the onboarding that was on today's TO DO.


THANKS to the INDIAN help desk worker who helped me get this resolved pretty quickly.

I did tell my boyfriend about an hour ago "Its morning in India. One of those sharp programmers will come in and they should be able to restore my account and fix this. I project it will be resolved before 10pm tonight"

They actually in the end exceeded my expectations of how long to FIX the problem

once it happened.

Chalk it up to language barrier/mistake.

Truth be told India is rocking it in tech education and call centers. I have no issue with the accents and wonder how others could possibly when many of those there speak with British accents and many also travel and study in the UK or the US and have very good English.

I think the complaints about poor English are simply racist to be quite honest. I mean rarely have I had trouble understanding techie articulation, Maybe OTHER industry call centers in other places have worse accent challenges for Americans.

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