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2024-04-21 - 8:37 p.m.

I am really tired as I wrap up weekend work. I clock out in 20 more minutes.
I will be surprised if the phone rings even once in these last 20 minutes of this Sunday night.

I just worked for a client for at least three hours.

I will bill three hours-

I likely worked more but I kinda forgot to ledger exactly when turned on my computer.


OK, I just looked up the actual redlines.

For real I have been focusing on this one document and redlining it. It needed alot of work.

Its been a while since I supported this particular client so I also had to find their templates and pull them; and find their guidance on the norms-
what their positions are on things--

SO I suppose I should not feel badly that I just spend FOUR HOURS redlining a simple Services Agreement
I already put about two hours into it on Friday.

Six hours total.

OK I should not feel badly about that much time!

Its just honestly I hoped to make more progress on the OTHER Project for them...

Oh well

I hoped Friday to move further along. I think I was just too tired then to be really productive. I got a bit done-

hell I should go back and look at the redlines AGAIN for those times cause now that I think of it I think I was going to under book time and under bill,

The thing I have to remember is this: avg cost of contract review is $600

Once I work in a space it becomes FASTER as I do their agreement review OVER and OVER again



OK I will bill my actuals.

No imposter syndrome.

I wanted to be very careful and not just mark up the doc but look at the company history of deals etc.. and their guidance on risk philosophy since they went to the trouble of being VERY intentional about documenting such. I lOVE this company! Their processess are where I would love to get my other client BUT there is no way that is happening in the hours I work. Well... maybe over time...

one step at a time.

If I were FULL TIME....that would be different. BUT I want to keep the other client, and hope to pick up another soon. ( One dropped out-- after a sale. I need to reach out as the CEO might need some more help in time. The new company had their own internal counsel.)

Well I may not be where I hoped to be on friday- but I did get a bit of work done. It was productive.

Tomorrow is another day.

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