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2024-04-26 - 8:35 p.m.

Its been a loooonggg day...

and had barely any billable hours! I really worked only from 3 to 5 pm;

then again 8 to 8:30 for time I can bill to clients.


Oh well.

I can't complain as grateful for the work.

It just took darn near all day to figure out the configuration and set up of the computer.

I did succeed!


I think I removed all bloatware; including McAFee etc...

Dang I just recalled what a wacko narcissistic personality the founder of that was....


Just bizarre how these tech bros are often such colorful characters.

I mean, weird.

My body feels achy now and I am very , very tired. I took a nice walk this AM and then another nice walk this afternoon when took my break.

My legs are sore now. It is disappointing as they should not hurt like this after just a little bit of walking.

Super achy

I took another COVID test today just to be sure not positve- it is not-

But the achy feeling made me figure best check before spending the weekend at the part time gigs of retirement and skilled nursing homes.

I had double booked this weekend. Said could help at a volunteer thing I then forgot about! I was asked to work for a co-worker and said YES the same time as the volunteer thing at a Music and Arts festival. OOPS
I found another co worker to fill in for me.

I forgot to text the other volunteers to say CAN come help- let me know what you need! I did send a email but they did not see it I think.

We have a whole group chat with the larger volunteer org leadership. Trouble is I had no idea who's numbers were who's! So today I spend likely an unreasonable amt of time looking at the thread from prior texts and tried to identify the "speaker"- "Writer" of each text, based on the content , style, tone , word choice etc. The lady who had a new baby and sent a picture was the easiest to identify! I was trying to find the number of the ladies I am supposed to help tomorrow.

The ADHD moment of the day has to be that that was this convoluted puzzle- which reminded me of the verbal game equivalent of those math problems you work on when taking the PSAT or SAT. I kinda got into the game of it. Once identified each speaker , one by one, and then saved their names in my phone, I swear it felt like a fun game! I got to the end of identifying each board members phone numbers , and having saved them all in my cell phone directly-

that I think I promptly, in this ADHD brain FORGOT the whole point of all that time unraveling the puzzle of the group org texts!



I just moved back into work mode of computer set up and promply FORGOT the point of that was to text the other two volunteers showing up tomorrow. The idea was to see if they needed me to pick anything up to get set up tomorrow, A bit late now-
but I can text now anyway...
before it hits 9pm.

Sheesh - yeah on it.

OH I remember why I did not do it before. There are only two other volunteers who could do this event tomorrow. I have two numbers not clearly identified- so not quite sure which is the right person ( of the two I need to text). I figured out ONE of them correctly. But the other is left in the two unidentified/not differentiated. I can text them both and see who answers I suppose...

Oh screw it-

I can't even find the group text anymore. I think I just got distracted and then moved onto other things...
never finished unravling each # and got stuck...

and moved on.

I am not a texter. Seriously. I read the group text and reply when needed; but don't ever text anyone one on one from that org.

I am just not the social kinda PTA mom volunteer. Its funny I suppose but for years I showed up to work and focused only on work and was I suppose a bit distant to people. Not UNFRIENDLY but I did not become friends with coworkers in my early jobs. It was only after college I became comfortable to a point, at becoming friends with any co-workers-and that was YEARS after working with them.

I feel like the folks volunteered with are still distant acquantences, even though its been a dozen years volunteering with some of them. Others came and went.

I just never became close friend with any. Some of them are really close. They all remark about how wonderful the friendship is of the group.

I feel like the outsider looking in often. But they are all very nice. I just don't think I make enough effort to reach out ore perhaps am not approachable or IDK - but feels much like high school was socially!

The nurodivergent brain I guess.

I like this group of current volunteers much which is nice.

I will just SHOW UP tomorrow to help out.

That will be enough.

It was my ADHD that got in the way of being more organized to effectively reach out and be of MORE help.

Oh well...
at least I got off work and can show up. I will be working with kids I think/hope facilitating an art activity. I enjoy that! There should be some nice local music playing as well. I will bring my dog who should enjoy it much! We in fact walked to attend this event in the past.

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