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2024-04-16 - 5:36 p.m.

This is fucking WILD

I had one task on my plate this afternoon after I served my clients ( ok- really served ONE client) well. I planned on
1. doing my own company work
2. Then log in to serve a 2nd client for a couple hrs tonight ( as feeling better and have energy and focus.)

This is one for the books so to speak

If I had a Twitter following I would make it a twitter storm
If I were a YouTuber a you tube real time live stream would have been fun
If I were on TWITCH SAME

"NAME SILO GASLIGHTING" episode if I were a Podcaster.

#1 Anyone with PTSD knows due diligence.

We fucking DOCUMENT the shit out of EVERYTHING WE DO.
We are USED to being gaslit

(OK those of us who have PTSD from abusive narcissitic past relationships)

It is fucking amazing to me when some companies make it a SALES TACTIC
to GASLIGHT Customers

Do the Bait and Switch and PRETEND the customer " misread" "did not understand" etc.

It is bullshit.

Name Silo JUST did that to me,

I want to set up my new consultant team mate who my task today is to technologically ON BOARD
with a NEW dedicated email address with my company handle. Domain


I went to NAME SILO My hosting provider
and I reviewed the options for adding a new email, I even WAITED to be sure I understood how to place the order.

I wanted to BE SURE I did it correctly. I reviewed it CAREFULLY.

I went on the HELP DESK text support chat to be sure did it all correctly. So reader come with me on this wild ride as you read through the help desk chat I experienced:

Profile image for Ryan
I logged into my Name Silo account and used my email [email protected] to order the upgrade to the Premium Business email product The interface asks me for an email and then the items in the cart shows the email along with product.- input admin@XXXXXXXXXXXXXX,COM

The field had been populated initially ( autopopulated ) with [email protected]
I think that was an alias email perhaps initially set up so folks at Name Silo could manage some of the back end set up/XXXX integration? I never personally used that email. Maybe for SSL integration ( or something like that?)

Profile image for Fin
You’ll get replies here and in your email:
✉️ [email protected]
Our usual reply time
🕒 under 2 minutes

[ PAUSE HER FROM READING CHAT - AT This Point in the chat I actually saw my GMAIL account would get a reply for any support and then was confident that as that is the email where I manage my hosting account ( first purchased it) EVEN IF My BUSINesS EmaiL ADMIN Acct that was set up as an ADMIN had an issue I COULD STILL GET INTO THis Name Silo Acct to trouble shoot . SO BOOM I PURCHASED THE PLAN

WHICH WAS ADVERSTISED AS " ( AH CRAP THIS INTERFACE can't support the screen capture paste, which is why the cut and paste of the CHAT is all just text! It has only been altered with XXXXs to black out for privacy my acutal work email addressess and name!! BUT, I have an image of this- which is here captured in text only as well- here just typed in what I saw on that GUI- carefully transcribed here so words are accurate :
" XXXXXXXXXX PREMIUM Email/$4.99 month account or higher
Unlimited emails...."

It is pretty clear "unlimited emails" with purchase of that product! ( NOW there actually was ANOTHER option of billing annually that did not have the language "or higher" And I was pissed I intended to choose that one and clicked the WRONG ONE as that was a red flag. I WAS immediately pissed at self and KNEW THEN that they were going to mess around with the price. I just wanted that to happen A YEAR FROM NOW LOL Not at onset! BUT I expected the PRICE to be changed not the actual product given! I expected them to honor selling the product as described, even if they raised the price with that sneaky language; and I expected however that the price would not change if I PURCHASED and PAID For the YEARLY option which did not have the loosey goosey language "or more" . I honestly figured the only adjustment to make as soon as I set up the new email for my guy I am trying to onboard today, was to update my billing from monthly to pay for the whole year!

I have a CRM Platform set up and I want to ADD my new teammate to that with a dedicated email and have him set up on a new laptop with a good VPN I will also provide to ensure he has security set up well. I also have a brand new laptop for self. I planned on setting that up too. This week is shore up my tech chops week as I onboard him. I want my new laptop set up dedicated for one client before digging into their systems at all. I take security seriously and they just sent me a new project which requires logging into their system, I am stalling starting it til the new computer is set up securely.).

SO BACK TO THE IM CHAT WITH NAMESILO HELP DESK ( with the integrity of all misspellings as they actually occurred!:
AFTER I purchse the product and see it billed and see the confirmation in my GMAIL ( NOPE it did NOT show up in the [email protected] with my domain name email acct! That must have been the EMAIL Admin but my good old gmail used before I set up business email is the ACTUAL admin acct for Name Silo who is a reseller of the email product I have! SIGH... )


I am wondeing if you can check status for me to see if my email [email protected] is actually an administrator email or not?
Did I make a mistake?

Profile image for Ryan
[email protected] is the prumary admin email for the XXXXXXXXX mail plan, did you purchase a premium XXXXXXXXXX plan for XXXXXXXXXXXX.COM recently?

YES I also did get an email confirmation at my Name silo account [email protected]
Can you help with next step of how I create a new email address for this account?

Profile image for Ryan

Sure , however just to clarify a few things, that plan has not been setup yet. This is because you already have a free XXXX plan and you cannot have two different types of XXXXXXXXX plans for a domain.

We can delete your free plan, which will activate the premium plan allowing you to create the email address. Although you will lose out on the two existing emails. If you recreate any of the two emails using the premium plan, we can restore the data

That is fine. I am OK with losing the data temporarily

ok, let me remove that plan and you can get the premium plan setup, one moment please

Profile image for Ryan

Done, please go to
Click on Manage accounts
Click on Email accounts
Then create the email please
ok thanks will do... hold on please

Profile image for Ryan

Sure thing :)
I followed above step
Could only re-create the ONE new email [email protected]
Got a message "All emails in premium plan are in use"
Home > Email accounts
Email Accounts
Search by email
Create new email account
Email Status Usage/Quota
[email protected]
0 % used
50 GB / 50 GB available
Share login infooverflow
Home > Email accounts > Buy Email Accounts
You are all out!
All email accounts in PREMIUM plan are in use. Buy more email accounts to create new.

Profile image for Ryan

Yes, because the order you purchased earlier was for only 1 email.

What? That is not what it read
The description literally said otherwise
That makes zero sense
I had TWO free email addresses
I need a third so purchased a business plan that had a description that it has unlimited emails allowed to be created actually
that was what I read
I had two free
Two Free Email using th eFRee XXXXX Mail Pan >

Yes This was complimentary alongside the Web hosting plan you purchased
1 xPremium Email purchased Order 20115645
You can check your order history to confirm that
So you purchased only 1 Premium license therefore only 1 email can be created

Profile image for Ryan
The order was not an upgrade of the two free emails

is it possible to roll back, restore the original two and cancel the current order
I then would review and start over

Profile image for Ryan

Sorry no, that free plan has been deleted already

Yet you have the data and can restore it

yes, restoration to a new professional or Premium plan

Profile image for Ryan

not to a free plan

Can you show me the Product desciptions? Is there a link to that page which shows them pleasE?
Profile image for Ryan

This is the offer I purchased UNLIMTED EMAIL ACCOUNTS


You can see in the drop down. The page you SENT IS NOT WHAT THE PAGE I SAW and clicked ojn
I took screen captures as I navigated the process of the purchase
I purchased a premium plan with unlimited email
I intended on paying for the whole year option
but accidentlly clicked the monthly one

Profile image for Ryan
Unlimited Email accounts > means there is no cap to the number of licenses you can purchase

I want to actually pay up front for one year for the Premium PLAN
The advertisment uses plain Eng that you are purchasing unlimted email accounts
the fact you sent a page with DIFFERENT Language looks much like a bait and switch
the advertisement I chose said you pay X for UNLIMITED email accounts
I only actually need three just now

Profile image for Ryan

Unfortunately that is not what it refers to, we do not have a plan that that provides unlimited emails

OK Then Cancel the Premium order and roll back to the free order option for two emails
I will set up the two free emails - start over
and thank you for your help

Profile image for Ryan

We will submit the request to get a free plan setup from XXXX, please note this is not instant and can take a while. i will raise a ticket with our team to get this done. Once completed they will email you.

Also please raise a ticket and ask that they honor the advertisement BUT in my case I REALLY WANT them to just restore the two existing and then allow me to add one more email at this time If you raise a ticket and show this
they might agree it reads as an offer for unlimted emails

You have been emailed the ticket number, kindly confirm if you have received it

Profile image for Ryan

we will update the wording so that it no longe creates confusion.
Thank you Appreciate your help

YES you will get some irate customers who also have a habit of screen capture and saving offer before purchase that are not as forgiving A law suit would not be a good idea

Thanks XXXXXXXXXXX, JD. CCCM , CFMC Contract Manager

Profile image for Ryan
You're welcome
* Truth be told, in my business email I have NO outstanding work for clients. I don't mind in the least losing the client history just now! I have all work done from that email address. It just means there is less of any work or information of my CLIENTS on my laptop! Stuck in a server somewhere. The Hosting Company responsible for privacy and security of that info. Pulling it all off MY Email does me a favor in a way HA HA Nothing there I really need. I diligently : Try to work only in the client environments and SAVE all work in their spaces/repositories. I don't want their stuff on my machines or in my business email anyway. Any business leads interested will reach out to me. And I can find the emails of the one's that matter. I set up a new CRM system and STARTED adding them there. Too bad did not finish that FIRST But I am honestly non plussed by this, seriously not too concerned about any loss of data on my end ( and thankful in a way HA HA For it) BUT a bit outraged ( in theory- amused more like the actual accompanying emotional feeling cause it astounds me ,surprises me that people are so ridiculous- I mean the poor ethics and also just BAD BUSINESS of it! ) Really peeps Don't cheat people Just set your freaking price point higher! I mean truth be told I LIKE THE PRODUCT That is the truth But its so obvious that the FREE product in this case is the SAME as the others.. ( I signed up when in beta and my free account actually HAS all the features they are offering for the professional and Premium plan ALREADY and I know this.) Thing is I think most are not very techie. I am not very techie. Its the old trick of making price points and at times selling the same damn thing at different price points. The only ACTUAL difference was in fact THE NUMBER OF EMAILS you could get and maybe a couple integration features with a couple apps ( that I don't even use or care about) But I figured since the PREMIUM was the only account that specifically said "unlimited email accounts" for the difference- from 30something for professional , to 50 something a yr for premium- I would just get set up NOW and be ready to GROW and have more employees or contractors come on board. I was getting set up for success LONG TERM. This is the kicker: The email product works GREAT. It has nice features that they SAY are not available on the FREE one, but I had an early free account and was in a beta test group for new features and I swear my account seems to have ALREADY had every darn feature they roll out. So I got screwed here so to speak. Life goes on... So Peeps WHo is YOUR FAVORITE HOSTING SERVICE PROVIDER? I am shopping to possibly transfer my domain and web site hosting because I value business ethics. OH I kept my email provider for my work private. OK back to trouble shooting... maybe it can be fixed. (I am sure their call center is in India so someone might be starting their day soon).

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I enjoyed my work tonight. ( VPN rocks) Its so quiet here "at the office" tonight - 2024-04-21


Nice evening at work after gardening , housecleaning and doggie bath today. SAT Chores done! - 2024-04-20


YEAH MY IT support done. - 2024-04-17


YEah did it! Met today's goal. - 2024-04-16


OK a step forward! Keeping on...toward today's goal! and NAME SILO tech help desk redeemed self. - 2024-04-16
