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2024-04-17 - 2:01 p.m.


Tech support is really not my thing.

I try

I try , and try, and try

and use the help desk

THEN Finally, when realized it was around 1pm, I turned to my coworking parter/boyfriend and asked him one question

and lo and behold- then just handed the computer

and he found what needed to understand in 30 sec-
I had been doing a hunt and peck ( seriously it feels like that) FOR HOURS (along with reading the techie HOW TO GUIDE)

and then I finally got DKIM set back up on my work emails.

and then FINALLY figured out the snag in interoperability of trying to link my CRM program to my work email was ( of course) USER ERROR

I really was using an old password. I kept looking it up where saved but kept seeing the OLD ONE.

I thought the error msg " Check password" was wrong...

I learned of tools to troubleshoot and brushed up my beginner tech chops...

Not the idea of the day. I really am happy to have FINALLY gotten to where I would have LIKED to be yesterday. BUT I set a realistic goal yesterday as worked most of the day for client.

Well, now I am DONE with my own business work! WHEW.

then to log in and do some actual client work.

I understand the challenge in finding time to get others to work together on a team. I get it why some work solo and don't get help. They don't know how to LET EVERYTHING ELSE WAIT while they WORK FOR THEMSELVES FIRST

It is REALLY hard to do!
BUT ESSENTIAL to any successful business.
you can't go alone and be as strong as if you build a strong team.

So I am proud to have taken the time, even it I was slow at the MIS SET UP (MIS right? I feel like I kinda might have used the wrong acronym?)

To get my first employee all set up for success in the CRM system
and have created a couple proposals in the system so far
and the first contract about to be signed
to onboard him to help provide great service for this.

I REALLY wanted EVERY Email to go from my work email. So after the crash yesterday and getting it up and running again,today I achieved the integration so that the proposal is sent not from the CRM email ( well it is) but rather comes from my WORK Email.

That was the nit I wanted fixed before I sent that contract. Got it done! And set up for all future work/correspondence in that application!


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