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2024-04-26 - 1:29 p.m.

Well, I guess today is to be mostly a day of rest.

I was tired this AM

Slept in ( awoke 8smish. 6:30 my normal biorhythm wake up when get yo bed at me preferred time by 10pm, sometimes even a bit earlier if tired after a busy work day. 😴 Using the Brain can be more exhausting than physical activity sometimes.annoying

I have Been challenged with literally the easiest part of a new computer set up.

Tried to set up myself rather than call company I support and spend their money on the help desk. I saw that contract years ago abd know they are expensive.

Try to be mindful of not using resources if don't need to. I nean energy in any respect. Mine or others, right- use wisely, efficiently. I shut off lights when not in the room. Total aside: my kid who is energy conscious as evidenced by her choice to sleep and only expend energy when ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY is freaked out out tenant leaves the lights on.

I leave him alone about it. It's his space. Rented to him fir his use only; not ours- including utilities and of fir his comfort for whatever reason he chooses to leVe lights on - so be it; as I am not one to fictste how PTHERS choose to live.

I mean within certain parameters. Like no drugs were in my lease I think. But the lease does not include guidelines of shutting of lights if nkt in tge room...
So told her to Let IT BE.

It's HIS home, not ours as far as I am concerned when it comes to the basement apt.

Writing as I relax, break from not working efficiently ( ha ha) and STILL fighting to get one computer set up with complete firewall from all other stuff.

I have three laptops now. One dedicated for one client I do much work for

who I have FIVE..yes 5 Agreements to draft and send out. None are late ; but all are ones I woukd have LIKED to have first drafts done YESTERDAY

But...investing time to get really well set up for other clients. Put time into BD last couple weeks

And. Worked for other client ( seriously owner is my personal hero)...

She sweetly sent msg hearing I was " very sick" and hoping well.

Not really " very sick" but yeah....not delivering work to that client that I want to dig in and do as VERY reluctant to go into their system until I have SOLID SECURE FIREWALL

Thus new computer.

I ordered one
It came

I had a couple documents to review and get back so wanted those deliverables done in timely fashion for their CM BEFORE messing around with password resets and logging into a new machine. Did not want a lock out and slow down. One more doc for them should have reviewed this AM but no...FIRST I figured tackle the new computer set up ...again.

Now this is after I DID cave and call their help desk.

But, now thus is RIDICULOUS- when called them I was at home and for the life of me COUMD nkt find the freaking router Password.

Of all the damn constraints
That us the STUPIDEST possible one! Lol

I felt like a fool waking my disabled, sleeping teen to ask her to confirm

Of course I had some version of it sorta in memory πŸ™ƒ yup with flipped numbers

But she too was not good at its recall

And despite however late in day, she was non functional on the moment.

I freaking always take that sticker off the back of the router and write then hide it in a known place

But of course, when need it , the index card was not on its hidemden spot .

Usually I can pull it up on my phone or the other laptop and if couse in moment neither worked.

So ridiculous.

I swear I prefer working IN an office. If I am successful enough I think I world like to rest office space. Hell maybe it's time. I has a great offer a couple years ago in a coworking office and maybe it's a possibility πŸ€”. But I woukd likely be shleping three laptops back and forth. Coffee shops with the secure VPN are likely sufficient.

Honestly zi know this is likely PTSD, but it also make me feel more secure working in different locations.

I get so not worried

But then a week of my connection not working ONLY when I have a client call and I get freaked again.

That us the thing about PTSD.

It never goes away.

We who have it live through it and work despite it. Some better than others.
Like one old CEO I supported who rocks work and thankfully when is nkt well just kinda drops out and his amazing team takes over. They are also my heros.

That company is incredible.

When manic that CEO just becomes on fire πŸ”₯ abd it's wild to see how many sales are made on a couple if weeks of mania.

The team rally and figures out how to support: hires to scale as needed.

Ha ha

It's been a successful business model. Not even kidding.

A couple brilliant engineers with solid product they own IP of and it's a solid company.

So today I spent a few hours and THOUGHT all was good with my new machine. I just imported profile from my business laptop that had the client log in wanted. Then I wiped it of everything BUT that log in. Deleted everything could. All the bookmarks for anything non work related to work do in that company support.

Closes help desk tix; thanked tech dude and told him " all good".

BUT I had not listened to his instructions on how to set up the new computer. He had given me a dummy log in Microsoft sets up for such use; to get into and set up a new computer. You change the password on it and never use it after you are in machine and can access internet. I can log into the co.pany from the on line Microsoft portal into their drives.

I was just hitting the first computer set up constraint of it wanting a ms log in and it not recognizing the company issued one; which yes exists; but gave msg " Username does not exist "


It exists

Bit could not be uses to set up a machine not owned as asset of the company. Think blocked by THEIR firewall? Or something....

I should have listened to him. He said the ms issued fake user log in might not work.

BUT I dud not as realized I voukd set up with my Own profile ( my personal one) and just NEVER log into Anything else and delete it all, and I should be OK.

This also would entail deleting the redundant back up log in for the other company I support. While prefer to use only the OTHER dedicated computer I like the redundancy. But I figured once port and update on BOTH devices I could re-set up thst log in fir bsck up ONLY on my Business work machine in another browser-say Firefox. One not used for anything else and still have redundant back up access if the primary machine used for that client ever fails.

So I swear I put off drafting this AM ( can work later today/ tonight or Mon. It is what it is🀷 ) just to get set up for this client

And then
When thought done

Successfully logged in on this new machine
Scrubbed of nonsense

All the crap pushed
Even tried to freaking disable McAfee ( fr:%^65 spam. )

Figure log off
Log back in

Going to review one doc to redline and flip back after getting my own purchased security software and VPN on

But as looking up my pw for that acct to install it

Log bsck on

And lo and behold ot starts to log in with

The damn email of OTHER Client !@@ WHAT??

It did not work..


Three hrs wasted

Not billable time. Sigh

Ok break up.

Back to OTHER work machine to knock of some work and draft a couple of the new agreements due bto them, then will try again.


Annoying as I thought I disabled that log in on my own business laptop and wiped it from the profile I set to synch and moved over onto the new laptop for this other client.

Apparently not.

It is exhausting bring mindful of security settings.

Also aggravated to see freaking McAfee Vault. No I don't want to set that up and save files in your spammy company McAfee server.
It was automatically created.

Remember deleting from desktop does not delete files. One has to disable the freaking spammy connection that autosaves the files in that 3rd party server.

I just wanna be able to do good work with peace of mind my client's files are secure , private and protected ; and peace of mind I can connect securely to client meetings as well.

Good news:
Zero stress

Used to these funky issues periodically

Par for the course so roll with it.

Back to work after a nice walk while writing.
Actual work get pd for. Will fuss with this later.



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