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2024-04-16 - 11:56 p.m.

Just about midnight!
I got it done.
Met my goal of setting up my new consultant operationally.

I love schedule send for emails written in the night that will not go out until normal business hours.

I set up a zoom meeting for onboarding; and wrote all the instructions step by step of what applications to download and set up.

I think I have a good CRM system set up that was reasonably priced and it integrated with my ZOOM and other apps/email nicely.

Got the troubleshooting completed and the new email looks like working well!
(I have the log in and will transition it to my new resource soon!)

I am excited!
All is well.

TO BED for a good night's sleep now.

OH - in other news however I took a COVID test and am STILL positive!

Weirdest thing: I actually do not feel the joint pain and muscle aches I typically feel.

Nor can I smell.

I honestly do not think I feel no pain cause less inflammation; but rather think that there is something funky going on with my nervous system and/or the receptors in brain.

I heard something about the loss of smell due to an infammatory disruption of the signals to brain. Thinking synaptic?

I think the same kind of/similar disruption is happening to my pain receptors. Its the ODDEST thing.

Cause I was sick- acutally sweating like do with fever and body feels WAY HOT.
Both my boyfriend and I have been burning up it feels like

He took a temp and it measured high

I never thought to
cause the air temp was higher too so I assumed last Tue when that first happened and I had night sweats something awful it was just the weather (although now that think of it we did not have a hot day last week! The only real hot days were yesterday and today thus far!) In any case- It was warmer than HAD been so I just assumed I was just hot.

Think now that I had an actual fever that night , at least last Tue and possibly Wed.

Now I have to go to bed and get a good night's sleep.

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Taking a walk and break from nonworking lol. - 2024-04-26


Good work ; nice day - guitar lesson and decluttering my computer - 2024-04-22


I enjoyed my work tonight. ( VPN rocks) Its so quiet here "at the office" tonight - 2024-04-21


Nice evening at work after gardening , housecleaning and doggie bath today. SAT Chores done! - 2024-04-20


YEAH MY IT support done. - 2024-04-17
