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2023-06-11 - 10:43 p.m.

Things to do:

Pharmacy for inhaler

Opt out of Kia Settlement


In good news I am feeling better from the sore throat, infection had. No more coughing up phlegm.
I actually ate raw garlic in my salad yesterday and today just ate a clove straight up; Cranberry juice chaser and then ate my salad and some heated canned soup for dinner.

I am feeling pretty good.

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Patience. And finish packing. - 2023-06-13


Patience. And finish packing. - 2023-06-13


Got up early and got some shit done. Volunteer org stuff. I kinda get into it and time flies. - 2023-06-13


Not good news- the attorney for the CLASS thinks my car not a strong argument for engine replacement. ODD - 2023-06-12


WAITING To hear if can fly. - 2023-06-12
